Primary Sailing Screens

Primary Sailing Screens


Pressing the home button at the bottom of the Atlas will cycle through all of the different screens currently set up on your Atlas. Each screen is populated by widgets, which display different kinds of data. A few of the default screens that ship with the Atlas 2 are shown above. Using Vakaros Connect, you can add screens and change the existing ones to best suit your needs.

The default main screen, also designated the ‘home’ screen, has 4 widgets: Heading, Speed, Heel, and Trim. The heading widget includes a shift tracking display, with a lift/header indicator in degrees and a trend graph, both determined relative to the current reference angles - see Angle menu below. The speed widget shows current speed in knots, as well as the max and 10 second average. The heel and trim displays show the current value in degrees and consistency bars, measuring how steady the boat has been in heel and trim. We suggest that you use this default home screen for your first few sails until you get a feel for the capabilities of the Atlas 2.

Note that via the Customizable UI feature ANY screen can be designated the ‘home’ screen, which is the screen that the Atlas 2 shows at power-up, and switches to at the end of the start sequence

Line Screen - Start Line Set Up


Before we dive into the dedicated start screens, let’s look at gathering and recording some of the key data they will need to inform a great start. The Atlas 2 is designed to help you get a great start to any race, showing a highly accurate measure of distance to line (DTL), time to line (TTL), as well as a start timer. The first thing we need to do is capture the location of the line. Begin by pressing the LINE button to record the locations of the marks which define the starting line. This brings up the Line Screen, and dedicates buttons 1 and 2 to recording the locations of the Boat and Pin. Each time the BOAT or PIN button is pressed, the Atlas will save the current GPS coordinates as the location of that mark, replacing any previous pings.

Once both marks have been recorded, the Line Menu will show additional information about the starting line, including line length (between pings) and perpendicular heading. Line bias and advantage information is displayed if shift tracking reference angles have been set, see below. Exit the Line Screen by pressing the Back button or the Home button. Once the starting marks have been recorded, the Atlas 2 automatically displays DTL on the starting screen, measured in meters. DTL can be calculated with a bow offset, a key feature if your Atlas 2 is mounted on the mast. By setting this value in the Connect app, it allows you to ‘ping’ the line by simply sighting down the mast, and the Atlas 2 continuously calculates the distance from the line to the bow, no matter the orientation of the boat.

To start the countdown timer, press Start. The timer will start counting down from the default value set in the Connect app for the current profile. Minutes can be added to the timer using the +1 button. The Start button becomes Sync while the timer is running, syncing DOWN to the next whole minute. Under 1 minute to go, and the Sync button syncs UP to 1 minute. Pressing Reset will stop the countdown timer and reset it to the default value.

After the countdown timer reaches zero, the Atlas will automatically change to the home screen. The timer will continue counting up in the background, until the End button is pressed.

It is a good idea to press the End button at the finish. Along with the starting line, both the start and end of the race are recorded in the data log. As long as you remember to press End, this will save you from manually determining them later.

Graphical Starting Screen


Along with the numerical starting screen, your Atlas 2 possesses a graphical starting screen that shows a representation of your boat relative to the starting line in real time. First introduced on the original Atlas, we’ve taken it to the next level with the introduction of the LEDs on the Atlas 2 which can show a range of starting information. Starting is a busy time, and we want you to be able to choose the data YOU want to see to nail that start. Using the Customizable UI feature, you can choose which starting screen (numerical or graphical) is the primary or default starting screen. We have put together a demo video for demonstration.

Angle Menu - Shift Tracking and Reference Angles


To set up shift tracking on the Atlas, press the ANGLE button to bring up the ANGLE Menu. There are two options for setting port and starboard reference angles, an automatic method and a manual method:

1. Automatic Method

Start automatic reference angle capture by pressing the AUTO button on the ANGLE menu. The Atlas will walk you through sailing a short upwind leg, recording data while you sail and determining your reference angles automatically. Follow the on-screen prompts, and in about a minute, you’ll be all set to track shifts. In most conditions, this method will provide the best results, as it minimizes the impact of small oscillations and waves, while allowing the crew to sail the boat normally, without needing to interact with the Atlas once the process is started. It also records your windward VMG in current conditions, vital data for the Time To Line and Time To Burn functions to work.

2. Manual Method

You can also set the Port and Starboard reference angles by pressing the corresponding PORT and STBD buttons on the ANGLE screen to record the current heading. Keep in mind that an instantaneous snapshot can introduce some error in the reference angles. Note that this method does NOT capture your windward VMG. We recommend checking your reference angles before every race and resetting them if necessary. The ANGLE screen also shows some additional useful information, including an estimate of the wind direction (the midpoint between the Port and Starboard reference angle), the dead downwind angle, the tacking angle and average upwind speed.

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